My Tech Tutor

Patiently helping you learn to use technology confidently and with less frustration!


Continuing in 2024! Opt in to My Tech Tutor’s WhatsApp or Telegram Group for daily reminders. Counting UP the days of the Omer… (with options for sites for email or SMS reminders)

remember to count

Opt in to My Tech Tutor’s WhatsApp or Telegram Group for daily reminders. The smartphone is the perfect tool to help you get things done or keep track of things. Using it to remember to count the Omer is a great use for a phone or tablet. If you prefer to get reminders via email […]

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How to make a great app even better – a look at Moovit

Moovit app for iOS and Android

I use Moovit all the time. What is Moovit, you may ask? It is an app available to both iPhones/iPads and Android users to help you navigate public transportation systems in many cities in the world. I use Moovit nearly every day of the week. Several times. What does Moovit do, exactly? Well, for starters, […]

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Can your smartphone help you work and play “smarter?”

Let’s start from the premise that everything is easy, once you know how! And then we can try to make it fun to learn how. I love technology, so it’s not hard for me to be enthusiastic, but you have to be patient with yourself… and it’s so good for your brain to learn brand new […]

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