My Tech Tutor

Patiently helping you learn to use technology confidently and with less frustration!

Sort of my First Post as My Tech Tutor…

…as originally published in the AACI blog on January 19, 2014


This is me!

This is me!
It’s been my privilege to work at AACI for nearly four years, getting to know English-speaking olim and visitors to Israel and helping them whenever possible. Sometimes my “help” was nothing more than a kind word or a few patient moments to connect with another human being. Sometimes I listened to a remembered anecdote. I made many friends among the wonderful people who are my colleagues on staff at the AACI as well as our amazing volunteers and our far-reaching membership. I loved to welcome friends from the “old country” when they arrived here in Israel.
But every now and then, a little voice says it’s time to move on to something different…
While at AACI, word got out that I love technology and that trouble-shooting problems and teaching people solutions is fun for me. So sometimes I went beyond my role as blog editor/social media coordinator (making videos for AACI) or development staff.
People started to ask me for help with:
an iPhone or other phone,
or a Kindle…
or someone’s email wasn’t letting them open an attachment,
or they were trying to use a list that had been created in Microsoft Word but they needed it in Microsoft Excel,
or they had a question and didn’t know how to search to find the answer,
or they needed to know how to view photographs that had been sent to them,
or their camera for their Skype connection wasn’t working and they couldn’t see their Mom, or their children
and on and on and on. Well, you get the picture. I became somewhat of a go-to person for tasks both technical and frustrating (for them).

And I was able to help a lot of people. :-)

I taught an introductory course about facebook. And an introductory class about LinkedIn.

When someone would tell me, “That was so EASY!” it was music to my ears!

These experiences inspired me to start my own business which I am calling My Tech Tutor. My Tech Tutor is a way to reach out to people who don’t think everything is so easy when it comes to technology. Because you see, my Mother, of blessed memory, taught me that, “Everything’s EASY when you know how.
So that’s my new goal, or so that little voice seems to think. To make it EASY for you. To teach you how. How to get more pleasure and productivity from today’s wonders in technology. To reduce the frustration, and YES! Make it fun. Because I think technology is fun and it is one of my greatest pleasures to share my enthusiasm and wonder and joy with you.
My departure is bittersweet because I have loved my time here with you at AACI, but I won’t be far away. I cherish my membership privileges at the AACI and may even offer a blogpost to you, dear readers, as time goes on. To the new blog editor, I wish you much success and continued growth in readership.
Shalom dear friends, l’hitraot, until we meet again. Please be in touch. You can reach me at techtutoril at (My Tech Tutor in Israel).
Bryna Lee, My Tech Tutor Personalized training and assistance with your electronic devices. Empowering you to connect, have more fun, be more productive and efficient. My Tech Tutor – find me on facebook or on my soon to be constructed, brand-new website.
Bryna Lee arrives at Ben-Gurion Airport
Bryna Lee arrives at Ben-Gurion Airport
My aliyah arrival at Ben Gurion. One of the happiest days of my life!
My aliyah arrival at Ben Gurion. One of the happiest days of my life!
Thanks to everyone who continues to help make AACI a reality
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Tank firing
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With my dear friend and colleague, Yael. one of many cherished friends and colleagues
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Did you recognize me?
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With my wonderful husband AJ on July 4th at AACI's celebration at Kraft Stadium
With my wonderful husband AJ on July 4th at AACI’s celebration at Kraft Stadium
This is me! Bryna Lee, My Tech Tutor in Israel
This is me! Bryna Lee, My Tech Tutor in Israel

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