My Tech Tutor

Patiently helping you learn to use technology confidently and with less frustration!

My Tech Tutor can help during this stressful time

Right now, things are changing and they are changing so fast, that is hard to keep up with current regulations, what to do and how to do it.

My goal at this time is to help you stay safely isolated in your home, by offering help to find out what services are available to you and how to ask for and receive the help you need.

In Israel, as an English speaker, it is challenging to access the resources and request help, especially since most of it is based on knowing how to use the online (computer or app) sources.

We can do this together, via the telephone or connection on the internet, and I will patiently guide you so that you can benefit from the services you want and need, from the safety of your own home.

Please call 0507725767 or contact me for help.


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